Is Math Really Required for Machine Learning, or Is It Just an Drama

Hi! My name is Abdul Rafay, and I work on training different models from provided data, as well as deploying the model on any of the cloud services.

When I started this journey, my teacher and mentor told me to learn math and probability in order to understand the major concepts needed to become an expert in machine learning. But most students hate math and probability because some of the concepts can be tricky to learn and might not be interesting to them.

My Question:

So my question was: Are math and probability important for learning machine learning, and how can they help you grow your skills and land a job in machine learning?

Hot Take:

With the latest technologies and so many research papers to read, the Introduction to ChatGPT, and internet resources, you can become a machine learning expert; however, with these resources, you can avoid learning math and probability and become a well-rounded machine learning expert.

My Opinion:

I love math and probability, and even as a kid, math was something that made me happy when I solved problems, but at that time I didn’t know about machine learning. With time, I began my journey into web development, which led to machine learning. In my mind, math is important to be good at machine learning.

Here is why: Data differs from one type to the next, and you can’t tell which type you’re working with unless you know math and probability. If you identify the type of data, then you will waste less time identifying which model to use and getting the result.

So for me, I learned the important concepts of math and probability when I entered this field, and I don’t forget them for a second.


If you love something and truly care about it, then give all of your time to that particular thing, and in due time you will see results. If not, then nothing in life is wasted because you always keep learning.

My love of math and probability led me to machine learning, and I hope you find your dream.

So, in response to the question: “Are math and probability important for just a drama?”

While the answer is complex and different for everyone, in my mind and in my experience, math and probability are important and can save you in the long run. So go learn math and probability to prepare for the future.

If you want to learn math and probability with machine learning, then follow the link below that I used to get my concepts supercharged.

If you are interested in math and probability, then join the new course that can help you understand a lot of math and probability in machine learning and deep learning.

If you want to apply, then click here.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me through email or on my website.

My Resources:

I learned math and probability from multiple sources, and the resources are stated below:

  1. GitHub
  2. YouTube

These are the two resources that I used to get my math and probability strings large enough.


This article was written by Abdul Rafay and published on Future Insight.

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